The role of mind in neuroscience

After failing to find anatomical or functional correlates of a variety of psychiatric conditions, Dr. Sarah Durston (neuroscientist and Professor of Developmental Disorders of the Brain at the Department of Psychiatry at the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands) has…
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Can brain anatomy and function account for psychiatric conditions?

Prof. dr. Sarah Durston is a Dutch psychiatrist specialized in developmental disorders. In this in-depth interview, she discusses the limits of materialism in accounting for psychiatric conditions based solely on measurable brain anatomy and function.

Prescribing Antipsychotics in First Episode Psychosis

This course by Dr. Lex Wunderink (professor at the University of Gronigen in the Netherlands) is provided for free (or else a voluntary donation) by Mad in America Continuing Education. Subtitled “Is Less More?”, the course includes: IntroductionLecture videoDownload of lecture…
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