Video and Filmmaking as Psychotherapy: Research and Practice

This book has been edited by Joshua Cohen, J. Lauren Johnson and Penny Orr. The publishers say: “While film and video has long been used within psychological practice, researchers and practitioners have only just begun to explore the benefits of film and…
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The Body Keeps Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

This book has been written by Bessel van der Kolk. The publishers say: “Trauma is a fact of life. Veterans and their families deal with the painful aftermath of combat; one in five Americans has been molested; one in four grew…
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Destroying Sanctuary: The Crisis In Human Service Delivery Systems

Following on from  Creating Sanctuary: Toward the Evolution of Sane Societies comes this 2nd book in a series of three. Co-authored by Sandra Bloom and Brian Farragher, it has been written within an American context. The publishers say: “For the last thirty years, the nation’s mental health and social…
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Cultivating our humanity: A systematic review of care farming & traumatic grief

This review essay is co-authored by Dr. Richard Gorman and Dr. Joanne Cacciatore. The abstract says: “Traumatic grief is a complex biopsychosocial experience, frequently (and contentiously) medicalized in the Western world. Care farming is an increasingly popular place-based intervention utilizing agricultural settings…
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The New Psychology of Health: Unlocking the Social Cure

The New Psychology of Health was published in May 2018 and is co-authored by Catherine Haslam, Jolanda Jetten, Tegan Cruwys, Genevieve Dingle and Alex Haslam. The publishers say: “Why do people who are more socially connected live longer and have better health than those…
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Not Crazy: You May Not Be Mentally Ill

The publishers of this 2011 book (by Charles L. Whitfield) say: “… It exposes the pseudo-science behind modern biological psychiatry that misdiagnoses people who have painful emotional, psychological and behavioral symptoms as being ‘mentally ill’ and then mistreats them with…
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The Opposite Of Addiction is Connection: Do Stronger Human Connections Immunise Us Against Emotional Distress?

On the Uplift Connect site, Jonathan Davis writes that a “new perspective on addiction is emerging”. He cites Johann Hari, author of Chasing The Scream (The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs), who “recently captured widespread public interest with his Ted talk…
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Essential Research Findings in Child & Adolescent Counselling and Psychotherapy

What can child and adolescent counsellors and therapists learn from research? What evidence is there for the effectiveness of different therapies and techniques? How can developmental or neuroscience research inform or inspire therapeutic work with young people? Edited by Nick…
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