Adverse Childhood Relationship Experiences: The Most Underestimated Risk Factor for Chronic Illness
The Emperor’s New Clothes

“‘The good ones leave, the weak ones follow the crowd, and the leaders bully and intimidate …” This blog-article comes from Dr Creatively Maladjusted and has been published on Mad in the UK. It begins: “The anonymous blogger of The Double Life of the Recovered Professional wrote: ‘The good ones leave, the…
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My psychologist had never seen a black man with self-harm scars | Modern Masculinity
MDMA could help trauma survivors face painful memories

Rachel Schraer reports for the BBC: “MDMA – most commonly known as a party drug – could be more effective than therapy alone at treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The results of a keenly-awaited trial suggest two-thirds of people no longer qualified for a PTSD…
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Trauma-informed practice: a paradigm shift in the education of mental health nurses
Medicating Normal (a film)
The New Anatomy of Melancholy

BBC Radio 4 has produced an excellent series of twelve episodes about what, a long time ago, used to be called ‘melancholy’ and is now generally called depression. Eight of these programmes (each around 13 minutes long) are available for listening now,…
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Children Who Witness Violence at Home

“Interpersonal violence, especially violence experienced by children, is the largest single preventable cause of mental illness.”Steve Sharfstein, 2006. In De-Medicalising Misery: Psychiatry, Psychology and the Human Condition , Chapter 9 – Children Who Witness Violence at Home – is written by clinical psychologist Arlene Vetere. It begins: “The…
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Literature and Mental Health: Reading for Wellbeing

This free, online course is offered by FutureLearn (owned by the Open University), who say: “Find out how poems, plays and novels can help us understand and cope with deep emotional strain. The great 18th century writer Dr Samuel Johnson, who suffered from…
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