Thinking (differently) about suicide

In Searching for a Rose Garden: challenging psychiatry, fostering mad studies , Chapter 10 is called “Thinking (differently) about suicide”. Written by David Webb, it concerns his enquiry into suicide after he stopped being actively suicidal: “… As I continued to wade through the literature, I realised that the actual suicidal…
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How Suicide Quietly Morphed Into a Public Health Crisis

From an article by Benedict Carey in The New York Times: “The deaths of the designer Kate Spade and the chef Anthony Bourdain, both of whom committed suicide this week, were not simply pop culture tragedies. They were the latest markers of an intractable public health crisis that has been unfolding in slow motion for a generation . Treatment…
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Could your medications be making you depressed?

The BBC reports : “When you hear of a drug having side-effects you might think of a physical reaction like a rash or a headache. But according to a new US study, many commonly-prescribed drugs may increase the risk of depression. The…
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The impact of social prescribing on people and communities

In this 5 minute video (see below), Debs Taylor describes the impact of attending Creative Minds’ art classes in her recovery from mental illness. The video was recorded at a King’s Fund conference – “Social prescribing: from rhetoric to reality” – on 18 May 2017: …
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Art allowed me to express myself in a way I had never done before. I’ve come so far since my desperate suicide attempt

Writing in The Guardian , Debbie Taylor: “When I was growing up in the 1970s, mental health issues were not widely understood or discussed. One morning when I was eight-years-old, I woke up in bed and felt funny, I was shaking. It…
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