sleep disruption

New Study Finds Depression in Older Adults Could Be Prevented With Sleep Training

This study – “Prevention of Incident and Recurrent Major Depression in Older Adults With Insomnia: A Randomized Clinical Trial” – has been published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry. It found that older adults who underwent cognitive therapy for insomnia were 50%…
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Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention

With relevance to wellbeing (and improved sense-making), this book has been written by Johann Hari. The publishers say: “Why have we lost our ability to focus? What are the causes? And, most importantly, how do we get it back?For Stolen Focus, internationally…
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What happened when I ate ultra-processed food for a month

There is increasing evidence that the food we eat has a significant impact, positive or negative, on our mental health (see for example Brain Changer: How diet can save your mental health – cutting-edge science from an expert ). This BBC article is about an experiment involving Dr Chris van Tulleken and a month-long diet he…
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‘Safe’ Z-drug sleeping tablets given to MILLIONS each year are as addictive as Valium – and they can cause crushing anxiety, flu-like effects and suicidal thoughts

Reporting for the Daily Mail, Miranda Levy writes : “Zopiclone is the so-called ‘safer’ sleeping pill dished out by doctors to millions of Britons each year.  When it was launched in the 1990s, it was touted as a user-friendly alternative to…
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The Truth About … Improving Your Mental Health

This 57 minute video from the BBC ranges across a variety of subjects, including heartbeat control, diet and the gut-to-brain vagal nerve connection, exercise, passive vs active engagement with social media, loneliness, social prescribing, insomnia and more. The programme producers say:…
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More Bad News About Smartphones – When Will We Heed the Warnings?

This blog-post from Mad in America is written by James Schroeder, PhD: “Over the past few years, many of you have heard me and other professionals describe how smartphone use, and the technologically immersive culture in general, are associated with a multitude of negative outcomes….
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