Richard Bentall
Some interesting quotes (Part 5)
You might find some (or all) of the following quotes interesting: “I cannot be the only person to be sickened by the sight of parties of psychiatrists standing at the airport desk with so many gifts with them that they…
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A History of Delusions
ECT is a classic failure of evidence-based medicine
This Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry has hosted a guest-blog by Prof. Richard Bentall, who writes: “In a discipline to which controversy is no stranger, there are few controversies guaranteed to generate as much heat as that surrounding the benefits and costs…
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A Straight-talking Introduction to Children’s Mental Health Problems
The Life Scientific: Richard Bentall on the causes of mental ill health
Doctoring the Mind: Why psychiatric treatments fail
The publishers say: “In Doctoring the Mind, leading clinical psychologist Richard Bentall reveals the shocking truths behind the system of mental health care in the West. With a heavy dependence on pills and the profit they bring, psychiatry has been…
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Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature
The publishers of this book (written by Prof. Richard Bentall) say that: “… he explains what madness is, shows that it can be understood in psychological terms, and shows that by studying it we can learn important insights about the…
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Why did I go mad?
This excellent Horizon programme (BBC2) follows people living with voices, hallucinations and paranoia to explore the causes. For hundreds of years, psychiatry has treated voices and hallucinations as an enemy – regarding them as ‘insanity’ or ‘madness’ and seeing…
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