
A History of Delusions

This excellent podcast (57 minutes) from the BBC explores many different aspects of delusions, including some of their causes, and some ways of best helping those who experience them. Presented by clinical psychologist Prof. Daniel Freeman, the podcast’s coverage also includes:…
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The case for establishing a minimal medication alternative for psychosis and schizophrenia

This opinion piece by Ruth Cooper, John Mason, John Richardson, and Joanna Moncrieff has been published in the journal Psychosis. The abstract says: “The development of severe mental health conditions is strongly linked to our environments, particularly experiences of trauma and adversity….
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Philosophy & Madness: A Discussion with Wouter Kusters on his new book

Wouter Kusters is a Dutch philosopher and linguist from the Netherlands. He is best known for his books, ‘Pure Madness, A Quest for the Psychotic Experience’ and ‘A Philosophy of Madness: The Experience of Psychotic Thinking.’ The latter was translated into…
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Positive and Negative Effects of Antipsychotic Medication: An International Online Survey of 832 Recipients

This study by John Read and James Williams has been published in Current Drug Safety. The abstract says: “Background: Antipsychotic medication is currently the treatment of choice for psychosis, but few studies directly survey the first-hand experience of recipients. Objective: To…
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‘They saw me as mad and needing to be medicated’ | Modern Masculinity

This 14 minute video comes from The Guardian. The producers say: “In this episode of Modern Masculinity, journalist Iman Amrani speaks to Chris, who after being diagnosed with schizophrenia spent a long time in the mental health system. They discuss medication,…
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Letter of Resignation from the American Psychiatric Association

Dr. Lauren Mosher was clinical professor of psychiatry and an expert on ‘schizophrenia’. For 12 years he was chief of the Center for Studies of Schizophrenia in the (American) National Institute of Mental Health. He spent his professional career advocating…
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The Zyprexa Papers

According to mainstream psychiatry (and the pharmaceutical companies that provide funding to psychiatry, especially in the USA’s mainly privatised system of healthcare), some prescribed drugs treat alleged chemical imbalances in the brain – imbalances which, it is claimed, are a…
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