
Why do patients want medication free treatment for psychosis? An explorative study on reasons for applying to medication free programs

This research paper from Elisabeth C. Klæbo Reitan, Valentina C. Iversen, Henriette Riley, and Anne Høye has been published in BMC Psychiatry. The abstract says: “Background A focus on patient’s and service user’s perspectives regarding long-term antipsychotic treatment led to a declaration…
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Time-dependent effect of antipsychotic discontinuation and dose reduction on social functioning and subjective quality of life–a multilevel meta-analysis

This study has been published in eClinicalMedicine (part of The Lancet Discovery Science) The summary says: “Background Meta-analyses indicate superiority of antipsychotic maintenance treatment over discontinuation within up to 24 months after treatment initiation for patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. In terms…
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Associations between constructs related to social relationships and mental health conditions and symptoms: an umbrella review

This review has been published in BMC Psychiatry. The abstract says: “Background: Loneliness and social isolation are increasingly recognised as prevalent among people with mental health problems, and as potential targets for interventions to improve quality of life and outcomes, as…
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Paradoxes in a prism: Reflections on the omnipotent passivity and omniscient oblivion of schizophrenia

This article by Clara S. Humpston has been published in the journal Philosophical Psychology. The abstract says: “I reflect on what may be termed ‘omnipotent passivity and omniscient oblivion’ which are some of the key paradoxes within schizophrenia. I discuss various…
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The art-gallery as a resource for recovery for people who have experienced psychosis

This paper from Susannah Colbert, Anne Cooke, Paul M. Camic, and Neil Springham has been published in The Arts in Psychotherapy. The abstract says: “Dominant personal and community narratives of psychosis can often be experienced as oppressive and stigmatising. An important…
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Toward a Change of Paradigm in Psychosis: A Contextual Phenomenological Approach

This abstract is of a chapter in Psychological Interventions for Psychosis that has been co-authored by Marino Pérez-Álvarez & José Manuel García-Montes: “This chapter sets out the increasing evidence that makes it clear that the understanding of psychosis from the…
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Martin Harrow: The Galileo of Modern Psychiatry (1933 – 2023)

“I conclude that schizophrenia patients not on antipsychotic medication for a long period of time have significantly better global functioning than those on antipsychotics” This article by Robert Whitaker has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “The first time…
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