Psychology Today

Remembering a Quarter of a Million “Mental Patients” Murdered in the 1930s and 1940s

This article by Dr. John Read has been published in Psychology Today. It begins: “In 1941, the staff of the Hadamar  Psychiatric  Institution—psychiatrists, nurses and secretaries—attended a ceremony and were each given a bottle of beer. The occasion was the murder of…
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A Decisive Blow to the Serotonin Hypothesis of Depression

This article by Christopher Lane has been published in Psychology Today. It begins: “Almost as soon as it was floated in 1965 by Harvard psychiatrist Joseph Schildkraut, the serotonin hypothesis of  depression —reduced and simplified by pharma marketing to the ‘chemical imbalance’…
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Twenty Billion Fails to “Move the Needle” on Mental Illness

This report by Dr. Gregg Henriques has been published in Psychology Today. It begins: “ Former NIMH head Thomas Insel recently made a remarkable concession . He acknowledged that the biomedical framework he adopted while directing $20 billion dollars in NIMH research funds failed to “move the needle” in improving the lives of the millions…
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Psychiatry’s Harmful Conflicts of Interest

Subtitled “Sunshine” legislation is ineffective against widespread financial entanglement, this article from Dr. Christopher Lane is written within an American context and has been published in Psychology Today. It begins: “When Congress passed the Physician Payments Sunshine Act in 2010,…
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Creating A Mental Illness Called Schizophrenia

Subtitled “A brief history of an archetypal psychiatric diagnosis”, this article by Dr. John Read has been published in Psychology Today. It begins: “During the pandemic, increased incidences of distress can be portrayed as proliferations of mental illnesses such as ‘Depressive…
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“I’m Normal” and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves

This article – subtitled “Why we are misled by statistics” – has been written by Dr. Steven C. Hayes and published in Psychology Today. It begins: “Our minds think in terms of categories and concepts. It comes easy to us. It’s…
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W.H.O. and U.N. Join Calls to Transcend the Medical Model

“I cannot be the only person to be sickened by the sight of parties of psychiatrists standing at the airport desk with so many gifts with them that they might as well have the name of the drug company tattooed…
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