
Psychobiotics and the need for better interventional data

This article (with relevance to mental health) has been published in BMC Medicine. It begins: “Gut microbiota composition has been associated with multiple health outcomes: various studies employing predictive genetic studies and randomised controlled trials suggest this is the case. More…
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Just One Thing – with Michael Mosley – Eat Some Bacteria

This 14 minute BBC podcast features Dr. Michael Mosely. It explores the science behind probiotics and “How fermented foods might be the key to a healthy brain, body and mind.” The programme-makers say: “In this episode, Michael speaks to expert Kirsten…
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The Truth About … Improving Your Mental Health

This 57 minute video from the BBC ranges across a variety of subjects, including heartbeat control, diet and the gut-to-brain vagal nerve connection, exercise, passive vs active engagement with social media, loneliness, social prescribing, insomnia and more. The programme producers say:…
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Gut Feelings Study

The Food and Mood Centre (Deakin University, Australia) is conducting research into ‘psychobiotics’. The researchers say: “The term ‘psychobiotics’ has recently been coined to refer to treatments for mental and neurological conditions that act via the gut microbiome. Specifically, these could…
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