Psychiatric Times

The Postmodern Assumptions of the Biopsychosocial Approach

“If PM [postmodernism] is accepted, there are two options: nothing is true-nihilism; or anything can be true-eclecticism.” This commentary by Dr. S. Nassir Ghaemi has been published in Psychiatric Times. It begins: “I appreciate my friend Dr Ron Pies’ thoughtful essay,1  Can We Salvage the Biopsychosocial Model? A Reformulated Biopsychosocial Paradigm Can Be Clinically Useful
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STAR*D Dethroned?

“Since 2006, STAR*D stands out as an icon guiding treatment decisions of major depressive disorder. But what if it is broken?“ This article by Dr. John J. Miller has been published in Psychiatric Times. It begins: “In the treatment of  major depressive disorder  (MDD),…
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Moving Beyond Psychiatric Diagnosis: Lucy Johnstone, PsyD

In this interview , published in the Psychiatric Times , Dr Awais Aftab and Dr Lucy Johnstone discuss her criticisms of psychiatric diagnosis and her approach to psychological formulation as a conceptual alternative to diagnosis: “Aftab: Formulation has a long history…
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The Neurodiversity Paradigm in Psychiatry: Robert Chapman, PhD

Subtitled “Is neurodivergence to be cured or is it a healthy part of our social ecology?“, this interview with philosopher Dr. Robert Chapman is conducted by psychiatrist Dr. Awais Aftab and has been published by the Psychiatric Times: “Aftab: Let’s start…
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The Fight for Pharma Accountability and Psychiatric Rights: Jim Gottstein, Esq

Dr. Awais Aftab (psychiatrist) has interviewed Jim Gottstein for the Psychiatric Times. Subtitled “A lawyer weighs in on pharmaceutical corruption and involuntary psychiatric care”. The introduction to the interview begins: “The Zyprexa Papers is a fascinating story of how Gottstein obtained and…
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It’s Time for Us to Stop Being So Defensive About Criticisms of Psychiatry

This article by psychiatrist Dr. Awais Aftab has been published in the Psychiatric Times. It begins: “I read the article “ It’s Time for Us to Stop Waffling About Psychiatry ”2 by Daniel Morehead, MD, with great interest, particularly since it makes frequent references to some of my work in Psychiatric…
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Are critics of psychiatry stranded in a ‘Jurassic world?’

This article by psychotherapist James Barnes has been published by Mad in the UK. It begins: “In a recent Psychiatric Times interview with Lucy Johnstone, 1  the interviewer took the very unusual step of seeking ‘clarification’ from two psychiatrists that she mentioned…
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Psychiatry and the Human Condition: Joanna Moncrieff, MD

This interview (conducted by Dr. Awais Aftab) with psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff is part of a series called “Conversations in Critical Psychiatry“, as published in the Psychiatric Times. Here is an extract: “Aftab: Models of drug action have been an important focus of…
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Psychoanalysis and the Re-Enchantment of Psychiatry: Jonathan Shedler, PhD

This interview comes from Conversations in Critical Psychiatry – an interview series from psychiatrist Awais Aftab for Psychiatric Times. The series explores critical and philosophical perspectives in psychiatry and engages with prominent commentators within and outside the profession who have made meaningful criticisms of the status…
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