Psychiatric Drugs

‘I lost a decade of my life to prescription drugs’

“The main sufferers of prescription-medication withdrawal are white women over the age of 45. We know how to put people on these drugs, we just don’t know how to get them off.” Dr. David Healy, professor of psychiatry, Bangor University….
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Rethinking the Use of Psychiatric Drugs

In “ Rethinking the Use of Psychiatric Drugs ” (Nov. 2016), Robert Whitaker writes: “As prescriptions for antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs have risen, the number of people disabled by mental disorders, in country after country, has risen in lockstep.” He continues: Psychiatric drugs do not…
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Mad Science: Psychiatric Coercion, Diagnosis, and Drugs

This book has been written by Stuart Kirk, Tomi Gomory and David Cohen. The publishers say: “Mad Science argues that the fundamental claims of modern American psychiatry are based on misconceived, flawed, and distorted science. The authors address multiple paradoxes in American…
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Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness

Written by Robert Whitaker, the first edition of this book appeared in 2010. The publishers say: “In this astonishing and startling book, award-winning science and history writer Robert Whitaker investigates a medical mystery: Why has the number of disabled mentally…
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Drug Firms, the Codification of Diagnostic Categories, and Bias in Clinical Guidelines

This article from 2013 has been written by Lisa Cosgrove and Emily E. Wheeler, both of University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA. The abstract says: “The profession of medicine is predicated upon an ethical mandate: first do no harm. However, critics…
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Back pain and the placebo effect: ‘I’ll keep taking the pills’

Dr. Michael Mosely reports on a BBC Horizon programme titled Can my brain cure my body? Although this programme concerns painkillers, it has obvious relevance to the subject of ‘antidepressants’ and other types of prescribed psychiatric medication: “Could taking a placebo, a pill which contains nothing but…
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The Systematic Corruption of Global Mental health: Book One – Prescribed Drug Dependence

The author says: “As a medical doctor with 35 years’ experience and a psychotherapist for 15 years, it has been clear to me for over two decades that there is a subtle but powerful systematic corruption within global mental health….
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The Happy Pill

The makers of this documentary film say: “Silje Marie Strandberg was seriously mentally ill. She had a heavy schizoaffective and dissociative disorder diagnose. She heard voices, hallucinated, cut herself, had an eating disorder and repeatedly tried to kill herself. She was so…
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People with learning disabilities over-prescribed psychiatric drugs

A study by Public Health England (July, 2015) found that people with learning disabilities are regularly prescribed psychiatric drugs without a recorded diagnosis. The report’s Executive Summary referred to a prior UK government report – Transforming Care – and noted the…
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