prescription drug side-effects

Rapid Response: No good argument for treating mild depression with antidepressants

A response – published in the British Medical Journal – to the argument put forward by Jauhar et al who support the current scale of antidepressant prescribing, including for mild conditions, and for those provoked by social and economic conditions:…
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Antidepressants might be largely ineffective, study suggests

The Daily Telegraph reports : “Antidepressants should be prescribed less routinely by doctors, scientists have said, after a study concluded there was no strong evidence that the drugs were effective. New research has indicated the side effects many patients suffer from…
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Abilify commercial: when do possible side-effects greatly outweigh supposed benefits?

Check out this 90-second advert for an atypical antipsychotic (aripiprazole), touted here under the brand name Abilify as an “add-on” to antidepressant medication. Then ask the obvious question – the same one that applies to a great many prescribed psychiatric…
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The Zyprexa Papers

According to mainstream psychiatry (and the pharmaceutical companies that provide funding to psychiatry, especially in the USA’s mainly privatised system of healthcare), some prescribed drugs treat alleged chemical imbalances in the brain – imbalances which, it is claimed, are a…
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