positive psychology
Scientific Pollyannaism: From Inquisition to Positive Psychology
Meaning Therapy

From the International Network on Personal Meaning : “Meaning is all we have; relationship is all we need.” “Meaning therapy is a pluralistic approach to counselling and therapy that focuses on the fundamental human needs for meaning and relationship. It is a comprehensive way to…
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American happiness is plummeting. Could a few words change that?

“A psychologist claims that learning ‘untranslatable words’ from other cultures may be a key to being happy. I experimented on myself to see whether it’s true.” Sigal Samuel, writing in Vox magazine , says: “‘Happiness is a butterfly which, when pursued, is always just…
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Beyond Happiness
The Politics of Well-being and Ecstasy
Positive Psychotherapy: Clinician Manual

The publishers say: “For over a century the focus of psychotherapy has been on what ails us, with the therapeutic process resting upon the assumption that unearthing past traumas, correcting faulty thinking, and restoring dysfunctional relationships is curative. And indeed,…
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