pharmaceutical drugs
Conscientious Objection to forced pharmaceutical interventions: FAQ

This list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) – with a response to those questions – has been put together by Mick Mckeown and Jonathan Gadsby and published by the Critical Mental Health Nurses’ Network. It begins: “Following is a list of frequently asked…
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Secrets of the drug trials

Panorama is a BBC TV programme that specialises in investigative journalism. In 2007 they broadcast “Secrets of the drug trials” (see video below), concerning which the BBC said: “Secret emails reveal that the UK’s biggest drug company distorted trial results…
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Breaking the Bonds: Understanding Depression, Finding Freedom
Mad Science: Psychiatric Coercion, Diagnosis, and Drugs
Rethinking Psychiatric Drugs: A Guide for Informed Consent
The Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine

Although only some of its content is directly relevant to the field of mental health, this book is very well worth reading … especially in relation to its look at the development of pharmaceutical drugs and (separately) the three main areas…
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Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare
The Systematic Corruption of Global Mental health: Book One – Prescribed Drug Dependence

The author says: “As a medical doctor with 35 years’ experience and a psychotherapist for 15 years, it has been clear to me for over two decades that there is a subtle but powerful systematic corruption within global mental health….
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The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs (2)

The BBC says (May 30th, 2018): “Dr Chris van Tulleken is on a mission to understand why we’re giving over three times more medicine to our kids today than we did 40 years ago. He looks into one of the…
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