pharmaceutical companies
Dr. Drug Rep
Docs for Dollars

From Peter J. Gordon’s Hole Ousia website: “I noticed this ‘Special Article’ published in the October 2015 edition of the British Journal of Psychiatry. It details a novel antipsychotic medication called Lurasidone (trade name Latuda). … I would anticipate that this is…
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Big Bucks, Big Pharma

Set within a North American context (USA), and with relevance to both mental health and physical healthcare, this documentary looks at the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. The documentary’s producers say that it exposes “… the insidious ways that illness is…
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Bad Pharma: How Medicine is Broken, and How We Can Fix It

In this book (published 2013), Dr. Ben Goldacre (psychiatrist) argues that: “Drugs are tested by the people who manufacture them, in poorly designed trials, on hopelessly small numbers of weird, unrepresentative patients, and analysed using techniques which are flawed by…
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Cause of Death: Unknown
Billion Dollar Deals and How They Changed Your World

This BBC TV broadcast reports on the strategy to make living itself an illness and patients of everyone of us. The programme website says: “In the late seventies, Henry Gadsden, the CEO of a large pharmaceutical company, told a business…
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Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease
Generation meds: the US children who grow up on prescription drugs

In America, medication is becoming almost as much a staple of childhood as Disney and McDonald’s. Kids pack their pills for school or college along with their lunch money. Some are taking drugs for depression and anxiety, others for attention…
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ADHD Nation: The disorder. The drugs. The inside story.

The publishers say: “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) will soon be the most frequently diagnosed chronic condition among children, surpassing asthma. Yet research shows that ADHD can’t be that prevalent. ADHD, a problem once thought to affect a small percentage…
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