Peter Gøtzsche

Critical Psychiatry Textbook, Chapter 2: Are Psychiatric Disorders Mainly Genetic or Environmental? (Part One)

This chapter from Peter Gøtzsche’s Critical Psychiatry Textbook has been reproduced by Mad in America. It begins. “Textbook authors are preoccupied with telling the students that psychiatric disorders are hereditary. Obviously, this gives the specialty prestige. It makes it look more scientific to claim…
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Psychiatry Killed Tuva Andersson, Whose Problem Was Anxiety

This article by Dr. Peter Gøtzsche has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “Tuva Andersson was 37 years old when she committed suicide in 2019 in her apartment where she lived alone in Sweden. Her mother, Karina Hjelm, wanted…
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Prophylactic effects or withdrawal reactions? An analysis of time-to-event data from antidepressant relapse prevention trials submitted to the FDA

Prof. Peter Gøtzsche has tweeted : “When you stop taking a depression pill and feel bad, psychiatrists tell you that you have relapsed. Not so. By far most, perhaps even all your troubles, are withdrawal symptoms … Never stop abruptly. This…
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Ten Myths about Depression and Psycho-Pharmacology:

An article called “ Psychiatry Gone Astray “, by Prof. Peter Gøtzsche, appears on the blog site of psychiatrist Dr. David Healy. The article lists ten myths about mental illness and psycho-pharmacology: Myth 1: Your disease is caused by a chemical imbalance in…
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Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare

The publishers say : “Prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. In his latest ground-breaking book, Peter C Gotzsche exposes the pharmaceutical industries and their charade of fraudulent behaviour, both in research and marketing…
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The Sedated Society – The Causes and Harms of our Psychiatric Drug Epidemic

The publishers say: “This edited volume provides an answer to a rising public health concern: what drives the over-prescription of psychiatric medication epidemic? Over 15% of the UK public takes a psychiatric medication on any given day, and the numbers…
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52nd Maudsley Debate: More harm than good?

“The house believes that the long-term use of psychiatric medications is causing more harm than good” …  a debate staged by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College, London. In this podcast (1 hour 13 minutes) from May 2015, you can listen…
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