Overdiagnosis: it’s official
Insane Medicine: How the Mental Health Industry Creates Damaging Treatment Traps and How you can Escape Them
Allen Frances: Overdiagnosis
Young, British and Depressed

In July of this year (2019) a TV broadcast titled “Young, British and Depressed” was screened on Channel 4 in the UK. It was produced by Dispatches, an investigative current affairs programme. In the broadcast, reporter Sanah Ahsan explores Britain’s youth depression crisis, to…
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Dear Doctor

Toronto-born hip hop emcee/rapper and psychotherapist MC FÜBB – pronounced “emcee foob”; aka Daniel Farb – has released a new music track (and accompanying video) called Dear Doctor. The introduction to the 4 minute music video says: “Speaking from the perspective…
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Natural Causes: Life, Death and the Illusion of Control

A book that talks about over-diagnosis, doctor-induced illness and “evidence-based” medicine has relevance not just to biophysical illness/wellbeing, but also to emotional and psychological illness and wellbeing … Natural Causes by Barbara Ehrenreich – wise words on real wellness is the title of a review by Yvonne Roberts (in The Observer)…
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