The Matter With Things, Iain McGilchrist

The themes of this video are relevant to how mainstream psychiatry – which dominates the current approach to mental ill-health and its treatment – has come to be shaped the way that it is. The video producers say: “In ‘The…
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The Divided Brain: Our brains are far more complex than a left/right split

This 11 minute video has been produced by Aeon Video. It concerns different ways in which we can look at and experience the world … ways that have profoundly shaped the kind of society and culture we live in, and…
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Want to Understand Delusions? Listen to the People Who Have Them
The Idea of the Brain: A History
Neuropolis: A Brain Science Survival Guide
Psychedelic frees up depressed brain, study shows
Medicating Preschoolers for ADHD: How “Evidence-Based” Psychiatry Has Led to a Tragic End
Twenty Billion Fails to “Move the Needle” on Mental Illness

This report by Dr. Gregg Henriques has been published in Psychology Today. It begins: “ Former NIMH head Thomas Insel recently made a remarkable concession . He acknowledged that the biomedical framework he adopted while directing $20 billion dollars in NIMH research funds failed to “move the needle” in improving the lives of the millions…
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