Prenatal Antidepressant Exposure and Offspring Brain Morphologic Trajectory

This research paper has been published in JAMA Psychiatry. Key Points: Question: Is intrauterine exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and prenatal or postnatal depressive symptoms associated with brain morphologic trajectory in offspring? Findings: In this cohort study of 3198 mother-infant…
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A Neuroscientist Evaluates the Standard Biological Model of Depression

This research article by Peter Sterling (Professor of Neuroscience) has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “Abstract Neuroscientists widely hypothesize that ‘depression’ arises from a brain disorder caused by some defect in a specific neural pathway. If so, we might identify…
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Causality in Mental Disturbance: A Review of the Neuroscience

“To be clear: there is no neuroscience to suggest that any mental function would be improved by ablating or stimulating a particular structure in the prefrontal cortex or its associated subcortical regions. To the contrary, what we know of the intrinsic organization…
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Placebo effects and the Royal College of Psychiatrists

This twitter thread from the Royal College of Psychiatrists concerns a presentation called “The placebo effect: insights for translational research and clinical practice”. The thread includes the following: “… 50 years of drug trials for anxiety disorders. Very few have been successful…
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Psychedelics: The revolutionary drugs that could change your life – a guide from the expert
ADHD is Not an Illness and Ritalin is Not a Cure: A Comprehensive Rebuttal of the (alleged) Scientific Consensus
Is Your Emotional Wellbeing Related to Your Gut Health? New Study Reveals Possible Link in Women

“Summary: Gut bacteria have been linked to positive emotions, such as happiness and hopefulness, and good emotion management skills. Researchers have discovered that people who suppress their emotions have a less diverse gut microbiome, while people who report happier emotions have lower levels of…
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Researchers question the foundational assumptions of neuropsychology

This article by Peter Simons has been published by Mad in the UK. It begins: “Why does psychology struggle so much to achieve meaningful findings? In what has been termed the “replication crisis,” psychology’s much-hyped positive findings typically fail to replicate in later studies , leaving uncertainty about…
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A Systematic Review of Associations Between Emotion Regulation Characteristics and Inflammation

This review has been published in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. The abstract says: “Elevated inflammation is a risk factor for many psychiatric (e.g., depression) and somatic conditions (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis). Inflammation is influenced by psychosocial processes such as emotion regulation. Characterization…
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