natural world

Landmark study finds causal link between nature walks and stress reduction

This report by Rich Haridy is published in New Atlas. It begins: “We all know a good, long walk in nature can be relaxing, but a landmark new study from researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development offers some…
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‘Sea kayaking helps my recovery from depression’

Steven McKenzie reports for BBC Scotland: “Nick Ray has lived with severe depression for about 20 years, but finds relief exploring Scotland’s coast in his sea kayak. The 57-year-old is open about his struggles with mental health. On Twitter he describes…
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Nature ‘more important than ever during lockdown’

Reporting for the BBC , Helen Briggs writes: “About one in 10 households across Great Britain has no access to a private or shared garden. This rises to one in five households in London.” “Data has confirmed what many suspected: nature and green spaces…
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Species richness is positively related to mental health – A study for Germany

This research paper – by Joel Methorsta, Aletta Bonn, Melissa Marselle, Katrin Böhning-Gaese, and Katrin Rehdanz – has been published in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning. “Highlights National epidemiological study on relationship between biodiversity and human health.Plant and bird species richness…
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Our Wild Calling: How Connecting with Animals Can Transform Our Lives — and Save Theirs

This book has been written by Richard Louv. The publishers say: “Richard Louv’s landmark book, Last Child in the Woods, inspired an international movement to connect children and nature. Now Louv redefines the future of human-animal coexistence. Our Wild Calling explores these powerful and…
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Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

Co-written by Sally Atkins and Melanie Snyder, this book is subtitled “Integrating the Expressive Arts and Ecotherapy”. The publishers say: “Responding to the increased interest in the integration of expressive arts and ecotherapy, this book presents a nature based approach to…
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The Biophilia Effect: A Scientific and Spiritual Exploration of the Healing Bond Between Humans and Nature

This book has been written by Clemens Arvay. The publishers say: “Did you know that spending time in a forest activates the vagus nerve, which is responsible for inducing calm and regeneration? Or that spending just one single day in a…
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