Martin Harrow
Some interesting quotations ( Part 4)

You might find some (or all) of the following quotes interesting: “There is no reason to believe that DSM-5 is safe or scientifically sound … The science simply isn’t there now……A research dead end.” Professor Allen Frances, Chair of DSM…
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Twenty-year effects of antipsychotics in schizophrenia and affective psychotic disorders
The BBC, Harrow, and a Public Left in the Dark

“Martin Harrow and Thomas Jobe began their study, which was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, in the late 1970s. They enrolled 200 psychotic patients who had been treated conventionally in a mental hospital with antipsychotics and simply…
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Some interesting quotations (2)

You might find some (or all) of the following quotes interesting: “… there’s not a lot to master in medications. It’s like ‘2001: A Space Odyssey,’ where you had Hal the supercomputer juxtaposed with the ape with the bone. I…
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