lived experiences
Expert-by-experience in psychiatric research and abstract science

This 1 hour video come from Sam Fellowes, who says: “‘How the lived experience of experts-by-experience relates to the abstract nature of science’. I consider how we should understand lived experience in psychiatric research given that science involves abstractions which…
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The Future Is Political and Transdisciplinary
A Revolution Wobbles: Will Norway’s “Medication-Free” Hospital Survive?
Do delusions have and give meaning?

This paper , co-authored by Rosa Ritunnano and Lisa Bortolotti, has been published in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. The abstract says: “Delusions are often portrayed as paradigmatic instances of incomprehensibility and meaninglessness. Here we investigate the relationship between delusions and…
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We often discuss why lived experience improves research quality, but what about the ‘how’?
My Story, Our Future: a storytelling project about living with psychosis

“There was not a single ‘typical’ story that emerged. Instead we found people navigating through their lives in a variety of ways. People talked about specific challenges, individual skills, abilities and strengths, and held different hopes and aspirations for the…
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On Not Having Had The Experience

As part of the “Pioneer Dialogues” at South Florida State Hospital, psychiatrist Dr. Peter Stastny gave the following talk: “… Mental health professionals like me suffer from a serious condition: most of us have never experienced the kind of agony…
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The Big Anxiety Festival (2017, Australia)

The Big Anxiety brought together artists, scientists and communities to question and re-imagine the state of mental health in the 21st century. It presented over 60 events across Greater Sydney (Australia) from September 20th – November 11th 2017, tackling the…
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