John Read

Saving psychiatry from itself: will young psychiatrists choose authoritarian power or authoritative respect?

This editorial comment from John Read appears in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. It begins: “In their important paper, ‘Images of psychiatry and psychiatrists’, Stuart et al.  1  document the negative beliefs about psychiatrists and psychiatric treatments held by other medical disciplines in 15…
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Experts call for fewer antidepressants to be prescribed in UK

“Open letter to government from experts and politicians says rising usage ‘is a clear example of over-medicalisation’” This report by Tobi Thomas has been published in The Guardian. It begins: “Medical experts and politicians have called for the amount of antidepressants…
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W.H.O. and U.N. Join Calls to Transcend the Medical Model

“On June 10 the W.H.O. [World Health Organisation] called for a fundamental change in mental health services.” This article from Dr. John Read has been published in Psychology Today. It begins: “KEY POINTS The United Nations Special Rapporteur called for a…
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Prescribers often fail to support patients discontinuing antidepressants, study finds

This report by Ashley Bobak has been published by Mad in the UK. It begins: “A majority of patients seeking medical support when discontinuing antidepressants found their prescribing doctors to be unhelpful, according to the results of the second-largest international…
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Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Suicide Note

This blog post by Dr. David Healey contains a reply to Dr. Adrian James (President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists) concerning antidepressants and suicide. It begins: “24 April 2023  Dr Adrian James, President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, has written…
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Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide for some patients, scientists warn

“Research into reports of people taking their own life showed drugs can be the motive and also give them the means” This report by Sarah Knapton has been published in The Telegraph. It begins: “Antidepressants  raise the risk of suicide  while also giving people the means…
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Services for People Withdrawing From Antidepressants

“New study documents what antidepressant users need to help them come off safely.” Key Points: One in four people will experience severe withdrawal symptoms when trying to reduce or come off antidepressants. There are no specialized services to support people…
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The Schizophrenia Genetics Illusion—A Century of Failure and Hype

“As psychologist John Read has  shown , there are 15 ways that two people can meet the DSM criteria for schizophrenia without sharing any symptoms in common.” This article by Dr. Jay Joseph has been published by Mad in America. It begins:…
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The experiences of 585 people when they tried to withdraw from antipsychotic drugs

This research paper from Prof. John Read has been published in Addictive Behaviors Reports. The abstract says: “Introduction Many recipients of antipsychotic drugs try to stop taking them, primarily because of distressing adverse effects. Little research has been undertaken into the withdrawal…
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Do adult mental health services identify child abuse and neglect? A systematic review

This review – by John Read, David Harper, Ian Tucker, and Angela Kennedy – has been published on the PubMed website. The abstract says: “Child abuse and neglect play a causal role in many mental health problems. Knowing whether users of…
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