history of psychiatry
Bruce E. Levine | The Rise and Fall of Psychiatry | Psychology Is Podcast 45

In this video “Clinical psychologist Dr. Bruce Levine joins Nick for a conversation about historical and modern practices in the field of psychiatry. The conversation is based on Dr. Levine’s new book, A Profession Without Reason: The Crisis of Contemporary…
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Mental Illness as Brain Disease: a Brief History Lesson

Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz was (and is) sometimes wrongly accused of denying that mental illnesses exist. However, what he actually said is that many (not all) instances of mental illness are the consequence of attempts to confront and tackle the problem…
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Researchers Call on Psychiatry to Abandon Biomedical Framework
A Neuroscientist Evaluates the Standard Biological Model of Depression

This research article by Peter Sterling (Professor of Neuroscience) has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “Abstract Neuroscientists widely hypothesize that ‘depression’ arises from a brain disorder caused by some defect in a specific neural pathway. If so, we might identify…
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Causality in Mental Disturbance: A Review of the Neuroscience

“To be clear: there is no neuroscience to suggest that any mental function would be improved by ablating or stimulating a particular structure in the prefrontal cortex or its associated subcortical regions. To the contrary, what we know of the intrinsic organization…
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How did mental health become so biomedical? The progressive erosion of social determinants in historical psychiatric admission registers
On the Heels of Ignorance: Psychiatry and the Politics of Not Knowing
Not doomed: sociology and psychiatry, and ignorance and expertise
Does Psychiatry Work? Review of ‘Desperate Remedies’ by Andrew Scull

This book review by Berties Bregman has been published in Commentary magazine. It begins: “When I was a young medical student and it came time to pick a specialty, the landscape was alarmingly broad. At one extreme was psychiatry. The noble goal…
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