evolutionary biology
The Neuroplastic Narrative in the classroom
The helpful delusion: Evidence is growing that mental illness is more than dysfunction, with enormous implications for treatment
A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life
The Idea of the Brain: A History
Neuropolis: A Brain Science Survival Guide
Primum non nocere: an evolutionary analysis of whether antidepressants do more harm than good

This review has been published on the PubMed website. The abstract says: “Antidepressant medications are the first-line treatment for people meeting current diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder. Most antidepressants are designed to perturb the mechanisms that regulate the neurotransmitter serotonin…
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We’ve Got Depression All Wrong. It’s Trying to Save Us.

“New theories recognize depression as part of a biological survival strategy.” This article in Psychology Today has been written by Dr. Alison Escalante. It begins: “For generations, we have seen depression as an illness, an unnecessary deviation from normal functioning. It’s an…
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Are mental health disorders ever purely biological?

“Think about the basic framework of this proposition: an animal that has evolved for millions of years, roughly 350,000 in the present form, experiences its greatest century to date in terms of population expansion, while simultaneously billions of our brains…
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