
Higher fruit and veg intake associated with better mental health in secondary school pupils

“Nutritious breakfast and lunch linked to emotional wellbeing in pupils across the age spectrum.” Reviewed by Emily Henderson and published by News Medical, this article (reporting research) begins: “Include good nutrition in public health strategies for kids’ mental health, urge researchers….
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Psychiatric Drugs may Reduce Social and Emotional Capacities

This article by Jenny Logan has been published on the Mad in America website. It begins: “While deficits in social cognition are often associated with and used to diagnose psychiatric disorders, new research suggests that the medications used to treat psychiatric…
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Exploring novel approaches to youth mental health

This article by Dr. Lawrence Howells has been published in The Psychologist. It begins: “Three years after qualifying as a clinical psychologist, I found myself facing a significant dilemma. I was asked to speak to college students about youth mental health…
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The ERNI Declaration: Making Sense of Distress Without “Disease”

This article was originally published on Mad in America. It begins: “ The ERNI (Emotions aRe Not Illnesses) declaration  is based on the idea that distress does not equate to disease, dysfunction, dysregulation, or chemical imbalance. Signatories believe that there needs to be a shift from illness and…
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‘They saw me as mad and needing to be medicated’ | Modern Masculinity

This 14 minute video comes from The Guardian. The producers say: “In this episode of Modern Masculinity, journalist Iman Amrani speaks to Chris, who after being diagnosed with schizophrenia spent a long time in the mental health system. They discuss medication,…
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Sometimes Embracing Emotional Distress Is the Best Medicine

This article – subtitled “Avoiding mental discomfort at any cost can be a self-defeating strategy” – has been published in Scientific American and written by Joanna Cheek. As a side note, the avoidance of emotional distress and mental discomfort is one…
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Interview: Artist with Anxiety Illustrates Mental Health Tips She Learns in Therapy

“Making art is helpful on multiple fronts—writing affirmations helps counter my negativity, drawing colorful animals is therapeutic, and helping others is the most effective way I’ve found to break out of fogs of hopelessness.” This interview (with illustrator Kate Allan) is by…
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Emotion-Focused Therapy

For over 40 years, Dr. Leslie Greenberg has researched what works in psychotherapy. Together with colleagues he has developed what is known as Emotion-Focused Therapy. The Counselling Channel has a collection of 12 short videos about different aspects of EFT, all featuring Dr….
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Six principles for working with emotions

For over 40 years, Dr. Leslie Greenberg has researched what works in psychotherapy. Together with colleagues he has developed what is known as Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT). In this 3 minute video from The Counselling Channel , he explains the six important principles when…
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