Depression: why drugs and electricity are not the answer
Ruth E Dixon – Crazier Than Me
4 activists talk about the campaign for an independent review on ECT

This 36 minute video about ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) comes from the AD4E ( ADisorder4Everyone ) Festival 2021. It features Dr. Lucy Johnstone, Prof. John Read, Dr. Chris Harrop, Sarah Price Hancock, and Dr. Sue Cunliffe. You can watch it below:
My summary of the dire state of ECT regulation (or lack of) …
Interview with Prof. John Read about the campaign for an independent review of ECT

This video-interview with Prof. John Read was conducted by Dr. Lucy Johnstone as part of the A Disorder For Everyone online festival, held September 18, 2020. It includes a discussion of ECT compared to the placebo effect, the risks of brain…
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The Happy Pill

The makers of this documentary film say: “Silje Marie Strandberg was seriously mentally ill. She had a heavy schizoaffective and dissociative disorder diagnose. She heard voices, hallucinated, cut herself, had an eating disorder and repeatedly tried to kill herself. She was so…
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Mad to Be Normal

The Guardian newspaper says: “David Tennant gives a brilliant performance as RD Laing, the radical psychiatrist who rewrote the rules on mental health treatment.” The review continues: “David Tennant is on pugnacious, mercurial and beady-eyed form in this very interesting…
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