drug withdrawal symptoms

Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs and Withdrawal

This guide has been written by Will Hall. The publishers say: “The Icarus Project and Freedom Center’s 52-page illustrated guide gathers the best information we’ve come across and the most valuable lessons we’ve learned about reducing and coming off psychiatric medication. Based…
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Antidepressant withdrawal symptoms severe, says new report

The Guardian newspaper reports: “Half of all those taking antidepressants experience withdrawal problems when they try to give them up and for millions of people in England, these are severe, according to a new review of the evidence commissioned by MPs. Guidance…
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Many People Taking Antidepressants Discover They Cannot Quit

Many people taking antidepressants discover they cannot quit, write Benedict Carey and Robert Gebeloff, reporting for the New York Times : “Victoria Toline would hunch over the kitchen table, steady her hands and draw a bead of liquid from a vial with a…
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Doctors gave me depression pills I DIDN’T need for 20 years

From an article by Luke Montagu (Viscount Hinchingbrook) in the Daily Mail, January 2017: “Six years after taking my last dose of antidepressants, I am still suffering from their effects. I have constant nerve pain all over my body, like a burning pins and needles…
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