The Personal Is Political: Stories of Difference and Psychotherapy
Cultural Diversity, Mental Health and Psychiatry: The Struggle Against Racism
Talking About My Autism Spectrum Condition

Talking About My ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition): Noise – a 3 minute video from Shula, daughter of Prof. Mick Cooper. Shula, who has Asperger’s Syndrome explains how she, as someone on the autistic and neurodiverse spectrum, experiences noise as compared to someone who…
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Neurodiverse film talent development

Different Voices is a neurodiverse film talent development programme from 104 films and biggerhouse film . It builds on their experience of developing the feature film Dawn of the Dark Fox (watch a clip here ) – the first feature film directed by an autistic film maker,…
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emotion-focused care

Our vision of mental and emotional health increases the focus on emotions, values the emotional heart of service provision and minimises stigma by celebrating diversity. Increasing the focus on emotional health Emotions, such as grief, anger, fear, despair and shame are the core…
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