disease model

Framing Depression as a Functional Signal Rather than a Disease Promotes Hope and Reduces Stigma, Study Finds

This report from Julia Lejeune has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “New research reveals that individuals seeking depression treatment may benefit from an explanation of depression as serving an important human function, as opposed to a disease arising…
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Is It Time to Reconsider the ‘Disease Model’ of Mental Health?

“A prominent U.K. psychologist believes we should change the way we talk about depression, anxiety, and other forms of psychological distress” This article has been written by Markham Heid and published on the Elemental website. It begins: “In2013, the British Psychological…
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The ERNI Declaration: Making Sense of Distress Without “Disease”

This article was originally published on Mad in America. It begins: “ The ERNI (Emotions aRe Not Illnesses) declaration  is based on the idea that distress does not equate to disease, dysfunction, dysregulation, or chemical imbalance. Signatories believe that there needs to be a shift from illness and…
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Randomized controlled trials of antidepressants: clinically and scientifically irrelevant

The abstract of this article (written by David Cohen and David Jacobs, published in Debates in Neuroscience ) says: “This contribution to the ‘antidepressant debate’ focuses on the validity of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). We argue that: (a) made-up psychiatric diagnostic categories destroy the…
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A New Mental Health System? Interview with Jim van Os

Will Hall (pictured above and the author of “ What Does It Mean To Be Called ‘Crazy’ in A Crazy World? ”) has interviewed Professor Jim van Os. In relation to this he says: “With one of the highest mental health spending rates in Europe, the Netherlands is undergoing a dramatic rethinking…
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