diagnostic labelling

Doctor knows best, poisoned chalices, and beings on drugs: Young people’s accounts of getting the diagnosis of bipolar disorder

This account by JP Marshall of part of a research study has been published by Mad in the UK. It begins: “Not long ago, as part of a research study, I asked six young people how it was for them to…
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ADHD Diagnosis Leads to Worse Quality of Life, Increased Self-Harm in Kids

“When comparing kids with the same symptoms who were either diagnosed with ADHD or not, those who received the diagnosis had worse outcomes.” This report by Peter Simmons has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “In a new study,…
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Studying Mental Health Problems as Systems, Not Syndromes

This article by Eiko I. Fried has been published in Sage Journals. The abstract says: “Despite decades of clinical, sociopolitical, and research efforts, progress in understanding and treating mental health problems remains disappointing. I discuss two barriers that have contributed to…
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Children are wrongly diagnosed with ADHD if they fall behind at school, warns neurologist

This report by Anita Singh has been published in the Daily Telegraph. It begins: “Children are being  wrongly diagnosed  with ADHD when they are just falling behind, according to a leading neurologist, who said the medical profession was too quick to label people….
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Investigation into Alternatives to Psychiatric Diagnosis

This doctoral thesis comes from Jade Varney and has been published on the website of Canterbury Christ Church University. It includes: A review of alternatives to psychiatric diagnosis: “The first part of the review explored what the literature suggests should be…
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Are you mentally ill, or very unhappy? Psychiatrists can’t agree

This article by Sophie McBain has been published in The New Statesman. It begins: “One afternoon in December 2004, Samantha* left her house in northern England and walked to the nearby river. She tried not to think about her five young…
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Sexy But Psycho: How the Patriarchy Uses Women’s Trauma Against Them

This book has been written by Dr. Jessica Taylor. The publishers say: “Angry, opinionated, mouthy, aggressive, hysterical, mad, disordered, crazy, psycho, delusional, borderline, hormonal . . . Women have long been pathologized, locked up and medicated for not conforming to whichever…
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