diagnostic labelling

Rates of Prolonged Grief Disorder: Considering relationship to the person who died and cause of death

This research paper – from Kara Thieleman, Joanne Cacciatore, and Allen Frances – has been published in the Journal of Affective Disorders. The abstract says: Background Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) was recently included in DSM-5-TR. The rate of PGD is known to…
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Psychiatry Killed Tuva Andersson, Whose Problem Was Anxiety

This article by Dr. Peter Gøtzsche has been published by Mad in America. It begins: “Tuva Andersson was 37 years old when she committed suicide in 2019 in her apartment where she lived alone in Sweden. Her mother, Karina Hjelm, wanted…
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It has a huge and powerful lobby which turns with fury on its critics so I know this question will get me into loads of trouble but… does ADHD even exist?

This article by Peter Hitchens has been published by the Daily Mail. It begins: “Does  ADHD  in fact exist? This week the  BBC ’s Panorama programme quite rightly exposed some very worrying private clinics.  In online consultations,  staff had diagnosed a BBC reporter with ADHD  — attention deficit hyperactivity disorder —…
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The importance of empathic listening for making meaning of distress

This article by Robert Murphy has been re-published by Mad in the UK. It begins: “Psychiatry has failed to provide a definitive explanatory framework for mental illnesses, despite more than a hundred years of scientific and medical research. Its failure results…
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Moving Beyond Psychiatric Diagnosis: Lucy Johnstone, PsyD

In this interview , published in the Psychiatric Times , Dr Awais Aftab and Dr Lucy Johnstone discuss her criticisms of psychiatric diagnosis and her approach to psychological formulation as a conceptual alternative to diagnosis: “Aftab: Formulation has a long history…
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How “Mental Disorders” are Diagnosed

Published by the Inner Compass Initiative, this article “examines how diagnoses of ‘mental disorders’ differ from medical diagnoses, and reviews the reliability of mental health screening tests and other clinical methods for diagnosing mental disorders.” It begins: “Are there biological tests…
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Diagnosis as Self-Understanding & Self-Alienation: what you need to know about your diagnosis

This article by Dr. Awais Aftab has been published on his Psychiatry at the Margins website. Although it’s very much open to question as to what extent the views expressed actually inform mainstream psychiatric practice, the article is nonetheless well worth…
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