Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders
Are you mentally ill, or very unhappy? Psychiatrists can’t agree
It’s Time for Us to Stop Being So Defensive About Criticisms of Psychiatry
This article by psychiatrist Dr. Awais Aftab has been published in the Psychiatric Times. It begins: “I read the article “ It’s Time for Us to Stop Waffling About Psychiatry ”2 by Daniel Morehead, MD, with great interest, particularly since it makes frequent references to some of my work in Psychiatric…
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Book of Lamentations

“DSM-5 arranges its various strains of madness solely in terms of the behaviors exhibited. This is a recurring theme in the novel, while any consideration of the mind itself is entirely absent. In its place we’re given diagnoses such as ‘frotteurism,’…
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The Illusions of Psychiatry
Is It Time to Reconsider the ‘Disease Model’ of Mental Health?
DSM69: Dolly Sen’s Manual of Psychiatric Disorder
Psychological Formulation as an Alternative to Psychiatric Diagnosis

“… we might be in the very strange position of admitting, as one psychiatrist has pointed out, that psychiatry is ‘something very hard to justify or defend—a medical specialty that does not treat medical illnesses’ …”Dr. Peter Breggin, 1993, p….
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