
Why Therapy Works: Using Our Minds to Change Our Brains

The publishers describe this book (2015) by Louis Cozolino as “the story of why psychotherapy actually works”. They continue: “That psychotherapy works is a basic assumption of anyone who sees a therapist. But why does it work? And why does…
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Video: Psychiatric Illness for Beginners

Dr. Robert Lefever, a retired GP who is now working as a counsellor, created the first rehabilitation centre in the world to treat all types of addiction. In this 9 minute video he sets out a direct challenge to standard…
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Mad or Bad?: A Critical Approach to Counselling and Forensic Psychology

The publishers describe this book (edited by Andreas Vossler, Catriona Havard, Graham Pike, Meg-John Barker and Bianca Raabe) as: “A cutting-edge text that provides a comprehensive introduction to mental health problems and criminal behaviour, this book explores the link between…
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Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy the Gold Standard for Psychotherapy? The Need for Plurality in Treatment & Research

In the ‘Viewpoint’ section of the JAMA (Journals of the American Medical Association) Network , Falk Leichsenring and Christiane Steinert write: “Mental disorders are common and associated with severe impairments and high societal costs, thus representing a significant public health concern. About 75% of patients prefer psychotherapy over medication.¹ For psychotherapy…
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Essential Research Findings in Child & Adolescent Counselling and Psychotherapy

What can child and adolescent counsellors and therapists learn from research? What evidence is there for the effectiveness of different therapies and techniques? How can developmental or neuroscience research inform or inspire therapeutic work with young people? Edited by Nick…
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Transforming Emotional Pain in Psychotherapy

This book has been written by Ladislav Timulak. The publishers say: “Emotion-focused therapy [EFT] is a research-informed psychological therapy that to date has mainly been studied in the context of depression, trauma and couple distress. The evidence suggests that this therapy…
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