Childhood trauma
Stop Hurting, Start Helping

This 2 minute video clip points to the need for services to provide compassionate and thoughtful responses to people suffering the burden of trauma, and to be wary of perpetuating or recreating trauma through coercion, control and force. It features Indigo Daya,…
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The Body Keeps Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Not Crazy: You May Not Be Mentally Ill

The publishers of this 2011 book (by Charles L. Whitfield) say: “… It exposes the pseudo-science behind modern biological psychiatry that misdiagnoses people who have painful emotional, psychological and behavioral symptoms as being ‘mentally ill’ and then mistreats them with…
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Trauma-informed mental healthcare in the UK

The abstract of this 2015 research paper – Trauma-informed mental healthcare in the UK: what is it and how can we further its development? – says: “Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain trauma-informed approaches (TIAs) to mental health. It outlines evidence on the link between trauma and mental health, explains the…
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