Auntie Psychiatry crashes the RC Psychiatrists International Congress

This cartoon comes from the blog-site of Auntie Psychiatry , who says: “I’d love to take credit … but in truth it was a gift from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.”
This cartoon comes from the blog-site of Auntie Psychiatry , who says: “I’d love to take credit … but in truth it was a gift from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.”
From the blog-site of Auntie Psychiatry : “There is a very, very long background story to this cartoon. I will try my best to be brief, but please do bear with me. First of all, let me translate the Latin Spell. ARGUMENTUM AD VERECUNDIAM:…
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From the blog-site of Auntie Psychiatry : “Don’t get me wrong – I’m very keen to learn about the latest scientific findings on the ‘Genetics of Mental Illness’. Does schizophrenia really have a ‘significant genetic component’ as is so often claimed? The hunt is on….
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From the blog-site of Auntie Psychiatry : Auntie Psychiatry writes: “This cartoon required a lot of background reading and study. I wanted to be as certain as possible about the validity of the phrase ‘Long-term drugging with antipsychotics causes brain shrinkage.’ My starting point…
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From the blog-site of Auntie Psychiatry : Auntie Psychiatry writes: “I had the idea for this cartoon while listening to the Royal Society of Medicine podcast: Episode 1 . The spiel reads… “In this episode, Prof Sir Simon Wessely, Consultant Psychiatrist and Past President of the Royal College of…
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