Carl Rogers

What Can Carl Rogers Teach Therapists About Trauma?

“Carl Rogers showed how people grow following adversity.” This article by Dr. Stephen Joseph has been published in Psychology Today. It begins: “KEY POINTS Posttraumatic growth refers to positive psychological changes following trauma. Carl Rogers described the process of breakdown and…
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Rethinking human suffering

Prof. Stephen Joseph argues – in this extract from The Handbook of Person-Centred Therapy and Mental Health (Theory, Research and Practice), edited by Stephen and published by PCCS Books – that person-centred theory provides a robust framework for understanding and working with severe mental distress (our emphasis): “Over…
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Handbook of Person-Centred Therapy & Mental Health

The Handbook of Person-Centred Therapy and Mental Health (Theory, Research and Practice), edited by Prof. Stephen Joseph, challenges the use of psychiatric diagnoses and makes a powerful case for the effectiveness of person-centred approaches as the alternative way to work with people who would otherwise be diagnosed with…
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