Big Think
How will psychiatrists administer psychedelic treatments?

This article has been written (within an American context) by Derek Beres and published on the Big Think website. It begins: “Psychedelic therapy is imminent. Within six years, the market for this new wave of therapeutics is predicted to reach nearly $7 billion . With advocates and…
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Are mental health disorders ever purely biological?

“Think about the basic framework of this proposition: an animal that has evolved for millions of years, roughly 350,000 in the present form, experiences its greatest century to date in terms of population expansion, while simultaneously billions of our brains…
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Do antidepressants create more mental illness than they cure?

“Let’s say you have a drug that provides a relief of symptoms in 20% of people. In placebo it’s 10%. How many people in that study do not benefit from the drug? Nine out of 10. How many people are…
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Wise people are less lonely, here’s why

Mathew Davis, writing in The Big Think , says: “While he was scraping out a life in the woods by Walden Pond, Henry David Thoreau wrote, ‘I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company,…
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