The Metaverse Will Not Save You

“There will always be a difference between the feeling of being somewhere and knowing authentically that one is there.” Sub-titled “Virtual reality tempts us to abandon the real in favor of the simulated”, this article has been written by Dr….
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The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness

“”Insanity – a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.”Dr. R. D. Laing There are many people no longer with us whose ideas, actions, writings, thoughts (etc) feed into a modern-day new vision for mental health. R. D. Laing is…
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The Need For Authenticity

In the video below, Dr. Gabor Maté explains why he links significant risk factors for chronic illness (including mental illnesses such as depression) to the suppression of healthy emotions. His talk includes topics such as: The human attachment drive (being taken…
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