art therapy
“Painting with screwdrivers helps my mental health”
‘Light in dark places’: exploring qualitative data from a longitudinal study using creative arts as a form of social prescribing

This research, published in Arts & Health (“An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice”), was carried out by Mark Redmond, Rachel Sumner, Diane Crone and Samantha Hughes from the University of Gloucestershire. The research abstract says: “Background: This paper draws on a longitudinal…
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Video and Filmmaking as Psychotherapy: Research and Practice
Mental Health, Psychiatry and the Arts: A Teaching Handbook

This teaching handbook has been edited by Victoria Tischler. The publishers say: “This comprehensive book explores how visual art, cinema, music, poetry, literature and drama can inform the teaching and practice of psychiatrists and mental health professionals. Edited and written by…
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Arts Enterprise with a Social Purpose

Aesop Marketplace is like an online dating site. It matches health decision-makers with relevant arts in health programmes in an attractive and time-efficient way. The 24 programmes that they list can be filtered by NHS region and health topics. In relation to…
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The impact of social prescribing on people and communities

In this 5 minute video (see below), Debs Taylor describes the impact of attending Creative Minds’ art classes in her recovery from mental illness. The video was recorded at a King’s Fund conference – “Social prescribing: from rhetoric to reality” – on 18 May 2017: …
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Art allowed me to express myself in a way I had never done before. I’ve come so far since my desperate suicide attempt

Writing in The Guardian , Debbie Taylor: “When I was growing up in the 1970s, mental health issues were not widely understood or discussed. One morning when I was eight-years-old, I woke up in bed and felt funny, I was shaking. It…
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