a coherent system

Magic mushrooms could help ex-soldiers to overcome trauma

Writing in The Guardian, Jamie Doward reports : “A growing number of soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder are turning to ‘magic mushrooms’ and LSD to treat their condition. But drug laws make it almost impossible to establish whether they work….
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ECT depression therapy should be suspended, study suggests

“The use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to treat depression should be immediately suspended, a study says” Mark Easton reports for the BBC: “ECT involves passing electric currents through a patient’s brain to cause seizures or fits. Dr John Read, of the…
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Open letter regarding the reform and revision of diagnostic systems

“We … recommend a paradigmatic revision of the empirical and conceptual frameworks used to think about mental health. A classification approach that pursues the neo-Kraepelinian goal (now nearly half a century old) of establishing biomarkers for individual conditions or symptoms…
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