a coherent system

Psychiatry’s “Defect Model of Mental Illness:” a Path for Those it Has Failed

“In plain words, many depressed, anxious, and substance-abusing persons think: ‘I feel fucked up because I am essentially fucked up,’ and mental health professionals routinely confirms this.” This article by Bruce E. Levine has been published on the Counterpunch website. It…
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‘Magic mushrooms’ could avert looming mental health crisis, says North Wales police boss

“The fact that psilocybin is classified as a Class A drug means there has been a research blackout for nearly 50 years into the beneficial effect it can have in improving the lives of people suffering from PTSD and depression.”Arfon…
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Causality in Psychotherapy Research

As published on the website of the Centre for the Study of Causality, Complexity and Evidence in Health Sciences , this 45 minute video features Dr. Hanne Oddli (Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo), a clinical psychologist, and researcher. In the video, “she presents the ongoing work promoting evidential…
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The Duchess of Cambridge and the Royal Foundation release the #5biginsights in the biggest ever study on the early years

“People overwhelmingly believe that a child’s future is not pre-determined at birth. However, most people don’t understand the specific importance of the early years.” This report from the Royal Foundation begins: “The Duchess of Cambridge has unveiled the findings of the…
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A Straight Talking Introduction To The Power Threat Meaning Framework: An Alternative To Psychiatric Diagnosis

This book has been written by Mary Boyle and Lucy Johnstone. The publishers say: “The current mainstream way of describing psychological and emotional distress assumes it is the result of medical illnesses that need diagnosing and treating. This book summarises a…
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A Manifesto for Mental Health: Why We Need a Revolution in Mental Health Care

This book has been written by Prof. Peter Kinderman. The publishers say: “A Manifesto for Mental Health presents a radically new and distinctive outlook that critically examines the dominant ‘disease-model’ of mental health care. Incorporating the latest findings from both biological neuroscience…
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