Experts call for fewer antidepressants to be prescribed in UK

“Open letter to government from experts and politicians says rising usage ‘is a clear example of over-medicalisation’”

This report by Tobi Thomas has been published in The Guardian. It begins:

“Medical experts and politicians have called for the amount of antidepressants being prescribed to people across the UK to be reduced in an open letter to the government.

The letter coincides with the launch of the all-party parliamentary group Beyond Pills, which aims to reduce what it calls the UK healthcare system’s over-reliance on prescription medication.

The group, co-chaired by the MP Danny Kruger and by a former chief executive of NHS England, Nigel Crisp, will combine the work of the APPG for Prescribed Drug Dependence and the College of Medicine Beyond Pills Campaign.

A total of 8.6 million patients in England were prescribed antidepressants in 2022-23, with the amount having almost doubled since 2011, according to the NHS …”

You can read more from here.

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