Antidepressants: I wasn’t told about the side-effects

Anton Ferrie reports for BBC Scotland:

About one in seven people in the UK now take medication to treat depression but some say they are not being given appropriate advice about the potential side-effects of the drugs they have been prescribed.

Seonaid Stallan’s son Dylan was a teenager when he began receiving treatment for body dysmorphia and depression.

“He was struggling with the way he felt about himself, the way he looked,” Seonaid said.

“He was extremely anxious. He would be physically sick. He would be unable to leave the house.”

Dylan, from Glasgow, was treated with the antidepressant Fluoxetine from the age of 16.

But when he turned 18, his medication was changed to Sertraline.

Within two months of his prescription change he had taken his own life.

His mother says neither of them were warned about potential side-effects when his medication was changed …”

You can read more from here.

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