“This free space feels safer … for them, the walls are oppressive, the closeness and expectancy of the therapist too intense.”
“A walk on the wild side” is an article by Nick Tarrant, in Therapy Today. It begins:
“It’s a winter evening – cold, dark and raining – and we’re camped out on a piece of private land in rural Wiltshire. A tarpaulin stretched between trees offers us some shelter. My client reaches to rearrange the sticks in our firepit; I sit cross-legged nearby. We both gaze into the flames. We haven’t spoken for the past half hour. He seems relaxed in the waves of warmth, watching the interplay of flames and sparks and listening to the crackle. An owl hoots in the distance. I check how he is. ‘At peace,’ he says. For him, this is a much-needed counterpoint to his pressured work day. This evening, we can release ourselves from any pressure or expectation; we can allow ourselves to be ourselves, as we are just now, together, guests among all that live around us here. …”
You can read more from here.