This book review comes from Heller McAlpin:
“… British writer Katherine May offers some warming advice: Embrace your winter!
By winter, she means not just the cold season, but ‘a fallow period in life when you’re cut off from the world, feeling rejected, sidelined, blocked from progress, or cast into the role of an outsider.’
In Wintering, May writes beautifully of her own recent bout with a personal winter, a period when she felt low and overwhelmed, out of sorts and ‘out of sync with everyday life.’ She hit a storm of woes around the time of her 40th birthday. First, her husband’s infected appendix burst while awaiting surgery. When her own stomach pains escalated, she initially attributed it to a sympathetic reaction, or a case of nerves after giving notice as a university lecturer in order to write full time. But after months of waiting for tests with the National Health Service, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Then her 6-year-old refused to go to school, and, well-acquainted with the misery he was experiencing, she chose not to force him ….”
You can read more from here.
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