This booklet – subtitled “Stories and Lessons in Transforming Care” – has been authored by Alicia Wood, with editing and contributions from Baroness Hollins, David Nuttall, David Towell and Bob Tindall, and design by Henry Iles.
The publishers say:
“These stories can be reproduced and used for the purposes of informing and training by relevant organisations. Please credit using the publication title ‘Helping People Thrive 2020’. All stories have been made anonymous and details changed to avoid identification. Storytellers have given permission for these stories to be reproduced in this publication.”
Table of Contents:
Stories and Lessons:
They call him Mr Wonderful
A garden and a cat – Susan’s new life
Mary starts her new life
Rodney sits in the front seat
Pizza and Jacuzzi- Andrew does ‘behaviour management’ his way
Final Words:
Belonging in communities
The booklet can be read in full (or downloaded as a pdf file) from here.