The BBC has launched a questionnaire to find out what makes people be kind. The questionnaire has been devised by psychologists at the University of Sussex to explore people’s attitudes towards kindness – and designed to gain new insights to help inform a rapidly growing field of study.
Writing for Microsoft News, Paul Gallagher says:
“… Although most people would probably say they have a good idea about what it means to be kind and what it feels like to give and receive kindness, there has been relatively little research into kindness – what it is, where and when it is experienced, and what effect it has – the researchers said.
They want to explore how people’s attitudes and experiences might vary across different groups, and how kindness might relate to health, well-being, and other social and psychological experiences.
Questions in the test include what someone’s last act of kindness was, where it took place and who was responsible, as well as questions about the workplace, neighbourhood and community.
… Professor Robin Banerjee, the head of the school of psychology at the University of Sussex is the principal investigator on the research, and BBC Radio 4 presenter and author Claudia Hammond, who has been working closely with the department to develop the questionnaire, will launch it on The Kindness Test on Radio 4.”
You can find out more about the study from here. And you can take the test here.