In part concerning therapeutic gardening and social prescribing, the BBC reports:
“The first Royal Horticultural Society garden in an urban area has welcomed its first visitors, completing what the charity has billed as Europe’s “biggest hands-on horticultural project”.
The 154-acre RHS Garden Bridgewater in Salford has opened a year later than planned, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
RHS Director General Sue Biggs said the £35m garden was ‘the result of years of hard work’.
The charity said it was hoped a million people would visit the site annually.
A spokesman said the project, which has seen about 250,000 new plants put into the site, had created more than 100 jobs, half of which were filled by locals living within five miles of the garden.
He added that it was hoped the garden would generate about £13.2m a year by 2030.
The charity said the Bridgewater team had also begun a pioneering programme that ‘recognises the connection between gardening and better health’.
It will see local doctors refer patients to the site through ‘social prescribing’, where they can become involved in a scheme that uses therapeutic gardening, gardens and green spaces to help them …”
You can read more – and watch a 30-second video – from here.